While they might look a bit funky, mushrooms are packed with vitamins and minerals that provide numerous health benefits. Chaga, which grows on Birch trees in remote and cold regions of the world, might not look like something you’d drink and chances are you’re going to be very surprised by the facts we’re going to share!
On the outside, it could be difficult to understand how something as unique-looking as Chaga can be transformed into a consumable beverage. Though the mushroom looks dark and similar in texture to charcoal, the interior is spongy and contains all of the vital compounds to consume. That inside material is harvested and dried, which is then ground or chunked to the Chaga you see today.
If you’ve been searching for a way to put more nutrients and antioxidants into your diet, Chaga offers an assortment of benefits. Here are three reasons why you need to start consuming Chaga:
- It contains one of the highest antioxidant levels. A number of foods are ranked for value according to levels of Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity, or ORAC for short. Some of the most common values of superfoods are goji berries at 25,000 and Acai at 18,400 – which is a lot, right? Well Chaga has an ORAC value of 100,000! Antioxidants provide a number of benefits including – and most importantly – fighting back against free radicals and oxidative stress. These two factors cause premature signs of aging, inflammation and illness, as well as has the potential into developing into cancerous cells.
- Chaga is a powerful immune protector. The compounds in Chaga are like superfood to the immune system and, while it has the power to boost the immune system, does not cause it to become overly strong or dependent over time. Chaga contains beta glucans, which provide two benefits for the immune system – it activates cells to protect the body from foreign viruses and substances and it also helps provide assistance to the healthy cells to reduce the risk of inflammation or chronic pain.
- It’s a beneficial adaptogen. Adaptogens are like little miracle superfoods, able to enter the body and figure out what the body is lacking most and then supplying necessary substances to make things run smoother. Adaptogens provide energy without stimulating the nervous system, which can exacerbate anxiety in some people, and on the flip side, can relax the body without sedation. If you’re feeling especially stressed or anxious, adaptogens like the one found in Chaga can help restore balance to the body.
These are just a few of many reasons why you should start incorporating Chaga into your daily routine. Studies have shown the powerful affects that Chaga has on cells and a number of chronic illnesses, without experiencing any side effects.